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Why You Need Oradump Export Kit 41 Crack 28 to Export Data from Oracle Dump Files

Oradump Export Kit 41 Crack 28: How to Export Data from Oracle Dump Files with Ease

If you are looking for a way to export data from Oracle dump files into various popular formats, such as MS Access, MS Excel, CSV, SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle, you might want to check out Oradump Export Kit. It is a collection of conversion tools that can help you migrate or analyze data from Oracle dump files with high performance and customization options. In this article, we will show you how to use Oradump Export Kit 41 Crack 28 to export data from Oracle dump files into MS Excel files with ease.

Oradump Export Kit 41 Crack 28

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Oradump Export KitOradump Export Kit is a software product developed by Intelligent Converters, a software vendor specializing in database conversion and synchronization solutions. Oradump Export Kit can read Oracle dump files and export data into various formats, such as MS Access, MS Excel, CSV, SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle. Oradump Export Kit supports all versions of Oracle dump files, from 8i to 19c, and can handle large files up to 1 TB.

Some of the benefits of using Oradump Export Kit to export data from Oracle dump files are:

  • You can save time and resources by avoiding the need to install Oracle client software or create an intermediate database.

  • You can export data into different formats and databases according to your needs, such as for data migration, data analysis, data backup or data integration.

  • You can customize the types mapping, the output file name and location, the table and column selection, and some other options for each table or dump file.

  • You can synchronize the destination database with the data from the Oracle dump file, by inserting new records, updating existing records or deleting obsolete records.

  • You can use Quick Launch mode to run the conversion by double-clicking on a profile description file that stores your conversion settings.

Some of the main features and options of Oradump Export Kit are:

  • It supports all versions of Oracle dump files, from 8i to 19c.

  • It supports various output formats and databases, such as MS Access, MS Excel, CSV, SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle.

  • It allows you to select tables and columns to export, and filter data by SQL queries.

  • It allows you to customize the types mapping for each table or column.

  • It allows you to set some options for each table or dump file, such as whether to create indexes or foreign keys, whether to use BLOBs or CLOBs as strings or files, whether to truncate tables before loading data, etc.

  • It allows you to specify the output folder and file name for each dump file.

  • It allows you to choose whether to create a single Excel workbook or a separate worksheet for each table.

  • It allows you to synchronize the destination database with the data from the Oracle dump file.

  • It allows you to use Quick Launch mode to run the conversion by double-clicking on a profile description file.

  • It provides a command line version for batch processing or scheduling.

How to Download and Install Oradump Export Kit

To download and install Oradump Export Kit on your computer, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to [2]( and choose the edition that suits your needs. You can choose from Basic edition (one output format), Standard edition (four output formats), Professional edition (seven output formats) or Site license (unlimited output formats).

  • Click on the Buy Now button and complete the payment process. You will receive an email with a download link and a license key within minutes.

  • Click on the download link and save the setup file on your computer. Run the setup file and follow the instructions on the screen. You will need to enter your license key during the installation process.

  • After the installation is complete, you will find a folder named OraDump Export Kit on your desktop or in your Start menu. This folder contains all the conversion tools that are included in your edition of Oradump Export Kit.

How to Use Oradump Export Kit to Export Data from Oracle Dump Files

In this section, we will show you how to use Oradump-to-Excel, one of the conversion tools in Oradump Export Kit, to export data from Oracle dump files into MS Excel files. The steps are similar for other conversion tools in Oradump Export Kit.

How to launch Oradump-to-Excel from the OraDump Export Kit folder

To launch Oradump-to-Excel from the OraDump Export Kit folder, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open the OraDump Export Kit folder on your desktop or in your Start menu.

  • Double-click on the icon named OraDump-to-Excel. This will open the main window of Oradump-to-Excel.

How to add files and select tables and columns to export

To add files and select tables and columns to export, you need to follow these steps:

  • In the main window of Oradump-to-Excel, click on the Add files button. This will open a file dialog where you can browse and select the Oracle dump files that you want to export.

  • After you select the files, they will appear in the list of source files in the main window. You can see the file name, size, date and status of each file.

  • To select the tables and columns to export, click on the Select tables button. This will open a new window where you can see the list of tables and columns in each dump file.

  • You can check or uncheck the boxes next to the table names and column names to include or exclude them from the export. You can also use the Select all and Deselect all buttons to select or deselect all tables and columns in a dump file.

  • After you make your selection, click on the OK button to close the window and return to the main window.

How to customize types mapping and set some options for each table

To customize types mapping and set some options for each table, you need to follow these steps:

  • In the main window of Oradump-to-Excel, click on the Types mapping button. This will open a new window where you can see the list of tables and columns in each dump file, along with their source and destination data types.

  • You can change the destination data type for each column by selecting a different option from the drop-down menu. You can also use the Default button to restore the default data type for each column.

  • You can also set some options for each table by clicking on the Options button next to the table name. This will open a new window where you can see some checkboxes and fields that allow you to customize the export process for each table.

  • Some of the options that you can set are:

  • Whether to create indexes for each table in Excel

  • Whether to create foreign keys for each table in Excel

  • Whether to use BLOBs or CLOBs as strings or files

  • Whether to truncate tables before loading data

  • The maximum length of strings

  • The date format

  • The number format

  • The encoding

  • After you set your options, click on the OK button to close the window and return to the types mapping window.

  • After you finish customizing your types mapping and options, click on the OK button to close the window and return to the main window.

How to specify the output folder and file name for each dump file

To specify the output folder and file name for each dump file, you need to follow these steps:

  • In the main window of Oradump-to-Excel, click on the Output folder button. This will open a file dialog where you can browse and select the folder where you want to save your Excel files.

  • After you select the folder, it will appear in the output folder field in the main window. You can also type in a different folder path if you want.

  • To specify the file name for each dump file, click on the File name button next to each source file. This will open a new window where you can enter a custom file name or use a template with variables.

  • You can use variables such as %F (source file name), %T (table name), %D (date), %N (number) and %E (extension) to create dynamic file names based on your source files and tables. You can also use separators such as _ (underscore) or - (dash) between variables.

  • For example, if you want to create a separate Excel worksheet for each table in your dump file, and name it as source_file_name-table_name-date.xlsx, you can use this template: %F_%T_%D.xlsx

  • After you enter your file name or template, click on the OK button to close the window and return to the main window.

How to choose whether to create a single Excel workbook or a separate worksheet for each table

To choose whether to create a single Excel workbook or a separate worksheet for each table, you need to follow these steps:

  • In the main window of Oradump-to-Excel, click on the Options button. This will open a new window where you can see some general options for the conversion process.

  • In the Output section, you can see two radio buttons: Single workbook and Separate worksheets. You can select one of them according to your preference.

  • If you select Single workbook, all the tables from each dump file will be exported into one Excel workbook, with one worksheet for each table. The workbook name will be based on the file name that you specified for each dump file.

  • If you select Separate worksheets, each table from each dump file will be exported into a separate Excel worksheet, with one workbook for each table. The workbook name will be based on the file name that you specified for each dump file and table.

  • After you make your selection, click on the OK button to close the window and return to the main window.

How to start the conversion process and check the progress and log

To start the conversion process and check the progress and log, you need to follow these steps:

  • In the main window of Oradump-to-Excel, click on the Start conversion button. This will initiate the conversion process and show you a progress bar and a log window.

  • You can see the status, elapsed time, estimated time and speed of the conversion process in the progress bar. You can also see the details of each step, such as reading dump file, creating Excel file, exporting data, etc., in the log window.

  • You can pause or stop the conversion process at any time by clicking on the Pause or Stop buttons. You can also minimize or close the progress window without affecting the conversion process.

  • When the conversion process is completed, you will see a message saying "Conversion completed successfully" in the log window. You can also see the summary of the conversion process, such as number of files processed, number of tables exported, number of records exported, etc., in the log window.

  • You can save the log information into a text file by clicking on the Save log button. You can also copy the log information to clipboard by clicking on the Copy log button.

  • You can close the progress window by clicking on the Close button. You can also open the output folder by clicking on the Open folder button.

How to Use Other Conversion Tools in Oradump Export Kit

In this section, we will briefly introduce the other conversion tools in Oradump Export Kit, and how to use them to export data from Oracle dump files into different formats and databases. The steps are similar to those for Oradump-to-Excel, with some minor differences.

How to use Oradump-to-MSSQL

Oradump-to-MSSQL is a conversion tool that allows you to export data from Oracle dump files into MS SQL database. You can use it to migrate data from Oracle to MS SQL, or to synchronize MS SQL database with data from Oracle dump file.

To use Oradump-to-MSSQL, you need to have Microsoft SQL environment on your machine, and specify the connection parameters for the destination database, such as server name, port number, database name, user name and password. You can also choose whether to create a new database or use an existing one.

You can also select the schema and tables to export, customize the types mapping and options for each table, and choose whether to synchronize the destination database with the data from the Oracle dump file.

How to use Oradump-to-MySQL

Oradump-to-MySQL is a conversion tool that allows you to export data from Oracle dump files into MySQL database. You can use it to migrate data from Oracle to MySQL, or to synchronize MySQL database with data from Oracle dump file.

To use Oradump-to-MySQL, you need to specify the connection parameters for the destination database, such as host name, port number, database name, user name and password. You can also choose whether to create a new database or use an existing one.

You can also select the tables and columns to export, customize the types mapping and options for each table, and choose whether to synchronize the destination database with the data from the Oracle dump file.

How to use Oradump-to-PostgreSQL

Oradump-to-PostgreSQL is a conversion tool that allows you to export data from Oracle dump files into PostgreSQL database. You can use it to migrate data from Oracle to PostgreSQL, or to synchronize PostgreSQL database with data from Oracle dump file.

To use Oradump-to-PostgreSQL, you need to specify the connection parameters for the destination database, such as host name, port number, database name, user name and password. You can also choose whether to create a new schema or use an existing one.

You can also select the tables and columns to export, customize the types mapping and options for each table, and choose whether to synchronize the destination database with the data from the Oracle dump file.

How to use Oradump-to-Oracle

Oradump-to-Oracle is a conversion tool that allows you to export data from Oracle dump files into Oracle database. You can use it to migrate data from one Oracle database to another, or to synchronize Oracle database with data from Oracle dump file.

To use Oradump-to-Oracle, you need to specify the connection parameters for the destination database, such as host name, port number, service name, user name and password. You can also choose whether to create a new schema or use an existing one.

You can also select the tables and columns to export, customize the types mapping and options for each table, and choose whether to synchronize the destination database with the data from the Oracle dump file.

How to use Oradump-to-Access

Oradump-to-Access is a conversion tool that allows you to export data from Oracle dump files into MS Access database. You can use it to migrate data from Oracle to MS Access, or to analyze data from Oracle dump file in MS Access.

To use Oradump-to-Access, you need to specify the output folder and file name for each dump file. You can also choose whether to create a new database or use an existing one.

You can also select the tables and columns to export, customize the types mapping and options for each table, and choose whether to create indexes or foreign keys for each table in MS Access.

How to use Oradump-to-CSV

Oradump-to-CSV is a conversion tool that allows you to export data from Oracle dump files into CSV files. You can use it to migrate data from Oracle to CSV, or to analyze data from Oracle dump file in any spreadsheet application.

To use Oradump-to-CSV, you need to specify the output folder and file name for each dump file. You can also choose whether to create a single CSV file or a separate CSV file for each table.

You can also select the tables and columns to export, customize the types mapping and options for each table, and choose the delimiter, quote and encoding for each CSV file.

How to use Oradump-to-FoxPro

Oradump-to-FoxPro is a conversion tool that allows you to export data from Oracle dump files into FoxPro database. You can use it to migrate data from Oracle to FoxPro, or to analyze data from Oracle dump file in FoxPro.

To use Oradump-to-FoxPro, you need to specify the output folder and file name for each dump file. You can also choose whether to create a new database or use an existing one.

You can also select the tables and columns to export, customize the types mapping and options for each table, and choose whether to create indexes or foreign keys for each table in FoxPro.


In this article, we have shown you how to use Oradump Export Kit 41 Crack 28 to export data from Oracle dump files into various popular formats and databases with ease. We have also introduced the other conversion tools in Oradump Export Kit, and how to use them to export data from Oracle dump files into different formats and databases.

Oradump Export Kit is a powerful and versatile software product that can help you migrate or analyze data from Oracle dump files with high performance and customization options. It can save you time and resources by avoiding the need to install Oracle client software or create an intermediate database. It can also synchronize the destination database with the data from the Oracle dump file, by inserting new records, updating existing records or deleting obsolete records.

If you are interested in trying Oradump Export Kit yourself, you can download it from [3]( and get a valid license key. You can also contact the support team by email at or by filling out the online form at [4]( if you have any questions or issues with Oradump Export Kit.


  • Q: What are the limitations of Oradump Export Kit?

  • A: Oradump Export Kit does not support compressed dump files, views, stored procedures or user-defined types.

  • Q: What are the requirements for using Oradump Export Kit?

  • A: You need a supported OS (Windows or Linux with WINE), a valid license key, and necessary privileges to write into the destination database. For OraDump-to-MSSQL, you also need Microsoft SQL environment on your machine.

  • Q: What is Quick Launch mode and how to use it?

  • A: Quick Launch mode allows you to run the conversion by double-clicking on a profile description file that stores your conversion settings. You can create a profile by saving your settings in any conversion tool.

  • Q: How can I contact the support team if I have any questions or issues with Oradump Export Kit?

  • A: You can contact the support team by email at or by filling out the online form at [5](

  • Q: How can I get updates for Oradump Export Kit?

  • A: You can get updates for Oradump Export Kit by subscribing for updates (except Basic edition) or by checking for updates manually from the Help menu in any conversion tool.



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