Academy Dates - Spring (March) & Fall (September)
Application Process Opens - December and June, Applications are available in person only by appointment with the RRC
Lane Fire Authority accepts In-District Volunteers and Out-of-District Volunteers from the Eugene/Springfield area or areas outside of Lane County
Fire Training Lieutenant - Casey Pape caseypape@lanefire.org
Applications accepted year-round for Volunteers and Students
The Student Program runs from the end of September through mid-June
Accepting In-District and Out-of-District volunteers
Recruitment/Retention/Student Coordinator:
Carmen Pierce cpierce@mckenziefireor.gov
Dexter Rural Fire Protection District
Accepting applications year round for Volunteer and Resident
Accepting In-District and Our-of District Applicants
Flexible Academy and Training Schedule
Contact Chief Wooldridge Chief@dexterfire.org
Eugene Springfield Fire Apprenticeship Program
2-year Apprenticeship Program
4,000 hours On-the-Job Training
Participate in college level courses in Emergency Medical Services
Education and training fees covered
Earn a living wage during the program
Opportunity to serve your local community
Open the Door for a future in Emergency Services
Apprenticeship Recruitment Flyer
Apprenticeship Recruitment Pamphlet
Questions, Email ESFApprenticeship@eugene-or.gov